In manufacturing, money is made on the shop floor. That is why real-time availability of every detail involved in the entire manufacturing operation is crucial to the continued growth, success, and profitability of your manufacturing business. More, in manufacturing, the future approach asks for continue development of new concepts and all business processes optimisation. This continue focus on shop floor control and process improvement is the foundation upon which IQboard for manufacturing is developed.
Industry specific challenges:
- Market and clients challenges for every product are changing continously, generating high complexity production processes and higher prices;
- Decrease of the products lifecycle asks for development, production and logistics better integration;
- Strong sales fluctuations ask for increased flexibility in production processes;
- Focus on employees security and safety asks for visible and efficient signage for all the factory processes;
- Various production processes require all ways vertical and horisontal communication in real time;
- Planification, implementation, control and improvement of the main production processes and resources ask for efficient and effective communication in all the factory areas.
IQboard results approach:
- Interaction with employees and visitors through the Digital Signage feature by:
- Personalised communication with plant employees and management through the digital signage feature differentially on displays or groups of displays;
- Real-time data colect from the assembly line and display on the devices mounted in the factory and on mobile devices of the decision makers;
- Continuous production information updates with Visual Management features, by using the display as a dynamic board;
- Efficient meetings thanks to the Interactive Meeting feature that transforms business meetings (management, production, administrative, interdepartmental etc.) into intuitive hightech experiences that allow users to:
- use their smartphones to choose the meetings to attend,
- upload files to present and create screens for the meetings,
- intervene on items in the screen using the finger as a cursor on the smartphone touchscreen (display information, turn over documents, zoom in/out, click on links, web browsing).

– production target display
– production graphics: manufactured/ damaged/ restored products
– working hours
– shifts and assigned workers
– work security and safety
– regular briefings: time off, technical maintenance…
– production graphics: manufactured/ damaged/ restored products
– production targets display
– work schedule
– shifts and assigned workers
– work security and safety
– lunch break …

– interactive meetings module
– presentations (various formats supported)
– company products and services ads
– meeting room schedule